Is Your Blind Spot Limiting You?
Do blind spots really matter?
Do you have a leader that meets expectations but is not realizing the true potential of the team? Are you such a leader? As a leader, maybe you personally have received some consistent constructive feedback over the years that you filed as unimportant or incorrect because you continued to rise up in your career.
So you may not think it really matters if there is a blind spot in yourself or in one of your leaders if numbers are being met. But, blind spots can be like a governor on a rental truck. There is more power under the hood, but the governor is preventing access to it. The other cars are passing you and you get frustrated. You may even find yourself yelling at the truck and the rental company.
What is resulting from your blind spot?
What if you could remove that governor? What if you more than met your goals? What if the team was thriving? Hitting on all cylinders, over and over again? Beating out competitors? Attracting top talent?
Blind spots can yield:
o Missed opportunity today - If you so certain in your opinions and action oriented and get a lot done, your blind spot may prevent you from hearing other ideas or other client needs and an opportunity is overlooked.
o Unused potential or organizational capacity - If you are very empathetic, helpful and diplomatic – your blind spot may be that you don’t balance this with being clear on expectations and holding others accountable. This may be sub-optimizing your team.
o Ineffective behaviors – If your typical behavioral strengths aren’t yielding expected results and you are stressed, you may push on your strength harder or blow up or retreat. None of which may be productive or effective.
Identify & Disable your blind spots before they limit you.
Whether applied to a team or an individual, knowing what your blind spots are and the why behind those, opens up tremendous opportunity for accelerated growth and increased impact. Many times the individual is overusing their strength and not taking advantage of more effective behaviors for the situation.
Learning how to use behaviors in balance to optimize your effectiveness is liberating. Having a large toolkit of mastered skills and knowing which tool to use when, will result in the agility and adaptability needed in these volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) times.
The best organizations and leaders identify their blind spots before those become an issue or landmine. Before it hinders their agility to pivot and adapt.
If you want take the governor off that engine, let’s chat. MBM ELEVATE will explore objective assessments and coaching techniques that can unearth blind spots and develop increased leadership agility for you and your team.
Mary Beth Molloy
Certified Executive Coach and Business Consultant, she delivers uncanny focus on the intersection of your business vision and goals and the leaders you’ve entrusted to achieve them.
She knows what it takes to accelerate and elevate business results through leadership development and performance. It’s her powerful blend of these experiences together with her practicality, purpose, and positivity that drive our value.
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